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Vornath, the Abyssal Warden

Boss Name: Vornath, the Abyssal Warden

Boss Description:

Vornath is a towering demon, standing over 10 feet tall with chiseled muscles and razor-sharp claws. His skin is a deep shade of red, and his eyes glow with an otherworldly light. Vornath is the warden of a prison that lies deep in the Abyss, and his duty is to ensure that no prisoner ever escapes.

Boss Stats:

  • AC: 22
  • HP: 500
  • Attack Bonus: +15
  • Damage: 3d10+10
  • Saving Throws: STR +8, DEX +4, CON +10, INT +2, WIS +6, CHA +2

Boss Abilities:

  • Demon Resistance: Vornath is resistant to all non-magical weapons.
  • Infernal Aura: Vornath's presence emanates a powerful aura that inflicts 1d10 fire damage to any creature within 20 feet at the start of their turn.
  • Abyssal Regeneration: Vornath regenerates 20 hit points at the start of each of his turns.

Boss Actions:

  • Multi-attack: Vornath can make 3 attacks in a single turn with his claws.
  • Fireball: Vornath can unleash a massive fireball that deals 10d6 fire damage to all creatures within a 30-ft radius.
  • Teleport: Vornath can teleport up to 60 feet as a bonus action.

Boss Weaknesses:

  • Holy Weapons: Vornath takes double damage from any weapon that is imbued with holy energy.
  • Silence: Vornath's Abyssal Regeneration is nullified in areas of complete silence.
  • Water: Vornath takes double damage from any attack that involves water, and his teleport ability is nullified when submerged.

Boss Tactics:

Vornath is a highly intelligent demon, and he will not hesitate to use his vast array of abilities to their fullest extent. He will focus on eliminating any spellcasters or ranged attackers first before turning his attention to melee characters. Vornath will use his teleport ability to move around the battlefield and avoid getting surrounded. He will also use his fireball ability to deal massive damage to groups of enemies.

Boss Rewards:

  • Abyssal key that unlocks the prison's treasure trove
  • A rare magical item

Boss minions or henchmen:

  • Abyssal Guards: CR 5, demons armed with pikes and shields
  • Hell Hounds: CR 3, demonic hounds with fiery breath attacks

Combat tactics and strategies of the boss:

  • Use ranged attacks or magic to damage Vornath from afar.
  • Imbue weapons with holy energy to deal extra damage.
  • Use silence spells to nullify Vornath's regenerative abilities.
  • Use water-based attacks to deal extra damage.
  • Focus on eliminating Vornath's minions before attacking him directly.
  • Stay spread out to avoid getting caught in Vornath's fireball attack.
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