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Ambush in the Wild, 3-5 Party Size

Encounter Name: Ambush in the Wild


Goblin AmbushersHumanoid41420Scimitar1d6+2
Hobgoblin ArcherHumanoid11525Longbow1d8+2
Giant SpiderBeast11318Bite1d8+3




The party is traveling through a dense forest with thick underbrush and low hanging tree branches. They are on a narrow path that winds through the trees, making it difficult to see their surroundings.


The objective of this encounter is for the party to defeat the ambushers and survive the attack. If they are successful, they will be able to continue on their journey unharmed.

Time Limit

There is no specific time limit for this encounter, but the party should be aware that they are under attack and should act quickly to defend themselves.


If the party is successful in defeating the ambushers, they will find a small cache of gold and silver hidden in the bushes nearby. They will also gain experience points for the encounter.

Initiative Order

  1. Hobgoblin Archer
  2. Giant Spider
  3. Goblin Ambushers
  4. Party

Additional Information

The Hobgoblin Archer is perched up in a tree, hidden among the branches. It will attack the party from a distance with its longbow. The Giant Spider is hiding in the underbrush and will attack from behind the party. The Goblin Ambushers will rush out from the trees to attack the party with their scimitars. The party will need to use their tactical abilities and teamwork to overcome this ambush and survive the attack.

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