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Map of the Metropolis on the Sword Coast

Map of the Metropolis on the Sword Coast

General Information

  • Name: Waterdeep
  • Terrain: Random
  • Map Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet


Castle WaterdeepA towering castle that houses the ruling Lords of Waterdeep.
City of the DeadA sprawling cemetery where Waterdhavians bury their dead.
Field of TriumphA large, open field where tournaments and games are held.
Yawning PortalA famous inn and tavern that sits atop an entrance to Undermountain.

Roads and Trails

High RoadA well-maintained road that connects Waterdeep to other major cities.
Trades Ward StreetA busy street lined with shops and vendors selling a variety of goods.
Castle Ward AlleyA narrow alleyway that leads to Castle Waterdeep.
Sea Ward PromenadeA scenic walkway that overlooks the ocean.


  • Urban
  • Forested areas in the outskirts


  • Mild with occasional rainstorms
  • Temperatures range from 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit


  • Pickpockets and thieves in crowded areas
  • Sewer rats and other vermin in the underground tunnels
  • Dangerous creatures in the nearby forested areas

Cultural and Political Influences

  • Waterdeep is known for its wealth and diverse population, with many different races and factions living within the city.
  • The Harpers, a famous faction dedicated to preserving peace and justice, have a strong presence in Waterdeep.
  • The city is ruled by a council of masked Lords, whose identities are kept secret to prevent corruption.

Magical Hazards

  • The entrance to Undermountain, located in the Yawning Portal, is known for its dangerous traps and magical creatures.
  • The wizards' guild, located in the Castle Ward, is known to experiment with powerful spells that can sometimes have unintended consequences.

Map Layout

The map shows a section of the city, including the Castle Waterdeep, the Yawning Portal, and surrounding streets and buildings. The forested areas are depicted on the outskirts of the city, with dangerous creatures shown lurking in the shadows. The map also includes markers for the Field of Triumph, the City of the Dead, and the major streets and alleys that connect the different wards of Waterdeep.

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