
DnD Forum

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Condition: Pristine

Age: 1000 years

Origin: Forged in the fiery depths of the Shadow Realm

Cultural Significance: Shadowfang was wielded by the infamous demon lord, Zathar the Unforgiving, during the Great War of the Shadow Realm. It was said that Shadowfang drank the souls of all those who fell to its blade, giving Zathar unimaginable power.

Quest Relevance: Legend has it that Shadowfang was lost in the mortal realm during the final battle of the Great War. Many adventurers have sought after the legendary weapon, hoping to claim its immense power for themselves.

Personalization: Shadowfang is a sentient weapon that can communicate with its wielder telepathically. It has a bloodthirsty personality and will often urge its wielder to engage in combat.

Availability: Legendary Rarity. Shadowfang is extremely difficult to find, and those who possess it are rumored to be extremely powerful. It is said that Shadowfang can only be found by those who prove themselves worthy of its power.

Value: 1,000,000 gold pieces

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