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The Abandoned Temple of Bahamut

The Abandoned Temple of Bahamut

Layout: The temple is a two-story, rectangular building with a vaulted ceiling and stained glass windows. The main entrance leads into a large sanctuary, with pews lining the walls and an altar at the far end. A spiral staircase leads to the upper level, which contains smaller rooms, including a library, a meditation chamber, and living quarters for the clergy.

Purpose and Function: The temple was built centuries ago to honor Bahamut, the platinum dragon god of justice and honor. It served as a center of worship, as well as a training ground for paladins and clerics of Bahamut.

Occupants and Inhabitants: The temple has been abandoned for many years, and its previous occupants are long gone. However, rumors say that the temple is now home to all manner of creatures, including goblins, orcs, and even a dragon.

Features and Amenities: The temple is still in good condition, despite its long abandonment. It has a working well, and the stained glass windows are still intact. The altar is made of white marble, and the pews are made of oak. The library contains many rare tomes on the history and lore of Bahamut.

History and Lore: The temple was once a revered place of worship, but it fell into disuse as the worship of Bahamut declined. Centuries ago, a group of dark wizards attempted to use the temple as a site for a dark ritual, but they were thwarted by a group of brave adventurers. Since then, the temple has been abandoned, and many say it is cursed.

Miscellaneous Details: The temple is located in a remote area, surrounded by thick forests and mountains. Its isolation has made it a popular spot for adventurers seeking treasure and ancient artifacts, but many who have ventured inside have never returned. Some say that the temple is haunted by the spirits of the paladins and clerics who once worshiped there, and that their ghosts still guard the holy relics hidden within.

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