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The Blade of Endless Shadows


The Blade of Endless Shadows

Condition: Excellent

Age: Unknown

Origin: Forged in the depths of the Underdark by a powerful drow sorcerer, the Blade of Endless Shadows has been passed down through generations of drow nobility.

Cultural Significance: The drow view the Blade of Endless Shadows as a symbol of power and prestige. It is said that only those who are truly worthy may wield it.

Quest Relevance: The Blade of Endless Shadows is frequently sought after by adventurers seeking to gain an edge against the dark forces that lurk in the Underdark. It is also a valuable treasure for those seeking to trade with the drow.

Personalization: The hilt of the Blade of Endless Shadows is adorned with intricate engravings of spiders and webs, reflecting the drow's worship of Lolth, the Spider Queen.

Availability: Extremely rare. The Blade of Endless Shadows is only found in the hands of the most powerful drow nobles or deep within the Underdark's most treacherous caverns.

Rarity Level: Legendary

Value: 10,000 gold pieces

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