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The Crimson Caverns

The Crimson Caverns

Encounter Type: Exploration

Environment Type: Dark, Damp Cave

Challenge Rating: 4


The Crimson Caverns are home to a variety of dangerous creatures, including:

Opponent CR
1 Red Worm 1/4
1 Giant Spider 1/4
1 Cave Troll 1/2
1 Goblin 1/2

While exploring the caverns, the party may encounter a group of dwarves who have set up a small camp in the caverns. They are led by an old dwarf named Gorm, who is a skilled miner and knows the caverns well.

Ally CR
Gorm 3
3 Dwarves 1/2

The caverns are dark and damp, with stalactites and stalagmites forming a labyrinth of tunnels. The walls are covered in a thin layer of red-tinged crystals, giving the caverns their namesake.

Terrain Description
Dark Caves The caverns are dimly lit, with only a few faint lights visible in the distance.
Stalactites and Stalagmites The tunnels are filled with towering columns of stone that seem to grow from the ceiling and floor.
Red Crystal Formations Thin, red-tinged crystals cover the walls of the caverns, casting an eerie glow.

The caverns are filled with various hazards, including:

Hazard Description
Collapsing Ceiling The tunnels are unstable, and the ceiling may collapse, dealing 2d6 damage to all in the area.
Poisonous Gas Poisonous gas may fill the air, dealing 1d4+1 poison damage to all in the area.
Tripwires Tripwires may be set up to trigger traps or alarms.

The caverns may have various conditions that can affect the party, including:

Condition Description
Low Light The caverns are dimly lit, making it difficult to see.
Poisonous Air The air in the caverns may be poisonous, dealing 1d4+1 poison damage to all in the area.
Slippery The floors of the caverns may be slick and slippery, making it difficult to move without falling.

The party's objective in the Crimson Caverns is to find a rare gemstone called the "Crimson Ruby." It is said to be guarded by a powerful monster known as the "Crimson Worm."


The Crimson Worm is a massive, serpentine creature with razor-sharp teeth and a long, whip-like tail. It has the ability to constrict its prey and can spit acid at its enemies. The party must navigate the hazards of the caverns and avoid the Crimson Worm's attacks in order to retrieve the Crimson Ruby.

Special Abilities

The Crimson Ruby has a unique property that makes it nearly indestructible. Any attempt to destroy the ruby will result in it shattering into thousands of smaller rubies, each worth a fraction of its original value.

Time Limit

The party has 4 hours to retrieve the Crimson Ruby before the caverns collapse, triggering a cave-in.

Initiative Order

The initiative order for this encounter is determined by the Dungeon Master.

Roleplaying Notes

As the party explores the Crimson Caverns, they may encounter various traps and obstacles that require them to use their skills and intelligence to overcome. Additionally, the dwarves led by Gorm may offer their assistance in exchange for a share of the treasure. The party must also be wary of the Crimson Worm and strategize their approach to avoid its deadly attacks.

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