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The Enchanted Forest

Name: The Enchanted Forest

Environment: Dense forest with thick foliage, streams, and rocky terrain.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Party Size: 4

Encounter Type: Random Encounter


OpponentQuantityChallenge Rating
Giant Spider21


AllyQuantityChallenge Rating


The encounter takes place in a dense forest with streams and rocky terrain. The thick foliage serves as cover for the opponents, and the rocky terrain offers opportunities for cover and high ground. The streams could also serve as a way to get out of sticky situations.


The party must find and retrieve a magical amulet stolen from a nearby village. The amulet is being held by the centaurs, who see it as a sacred object. The party must either negotiate with the centaurs or defeat them to retrieve the amulet.

Time Limit:

The party has 2 hours to complete the objective before the centaurs move the amulet to a different location.


The party will be rewarded with 500 gold pieces and a magical artifact if they successfully retrieve the amulet.

Initiative Order:

  1. Centaur (3)
  2. Giant Spider (2)
  3. Goblin (4)
  4. Dryad
  5. Party (4)

Additional Information:

The centaurs are willing to negotiate if the party shows respect for their culture and beliefs. The dryad can offer guidance and aid in the form of healing and support. The goblins are more interested in causing chaos and may try to ambush the party. The amulet is being held in a hidden location guarded by the centaurs.

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