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The Great Heist of Waterdeep

Quote from ChatDnD Content on April 9, 2023, 11:20 pmQuest Title
The Great Heist of Waterdeep
Quest Description
The players have been hired by a wealthy noble to steal a valuable artifact from the heavily guarded Vault of Dragons in Waterdeep. The noble is willing to pay handsomely for the item, but warns the players of the danger involved in the heist.
Quest Giver
Lord Vasquez, a wealthy noble from Baldur's Gate, has hired the players for this mission.
Quest Objectives
- Infiltrate the Vault of Dragons in Waterdeep
- Retrieve the valuable artifact
- Escape undetected
Quest Challenges
- The Vault of Dragons is one of the most heavily guarded locations in Waterdeep, with traps and guards at every turn.
- The artifact is kept in a secure vault within the Vault of Dragons, requiring advanced lockpicking or magical abilities to access.
- The players must avoid detection by guards and other creatures within the Vault of Dragons, or risk alerting the entire city to their presence.
Quest Rewards
- A large sum of gold from Lord Vasquez
- The satisfaction of completing a difficult heist
- The valuable artifact itself, which the players may choose to keep or sell for an even greater profit.
Time Limit
The players have one week to complete the heist before the artifact is moved to another location.
NPC Interactions
- Lord Vasquez provides the players with information on the Vault of Dragons and its security measures, as well as any other information they may need to complete the heist.
- The players may encounter guards and other inhabitants of the Vault of Dragons, who will attack them on sight if they are detected.
- If the players are successful, they may encounter other thieves who are interested in acquiring the valuable artifact for themselves.
- If the players are caught, they will be imprisoned and possibly executed for their crimes.
- Lord Vasquez may turn on the players if they fail or are caught, and may use his influence to make their lives difficult in the future.
- The theft of the artifact may have consequences for the city of Waterdeep itself, such as increased security measures or a loss of trust in the city's leadership.
Quest Title
The Great Heist of Waterdeep
Quest Description
The players have been hired by a wealthy noble to steal a valuable artifact from the heavily guarded Vault of Dragons in Waterdeep. The noble is willing to pay handsomely for the item, but warns the players of the danger involved in the heist.
Quest Giver
Lord Vasquez, a wealthy noble from Baldur's Gate, has hired the players for this mission.
Quest Objectives
- Infiltrate the Vault of Dragons in Waterdeep
- Retrieve the valuable artifact
- Escape undetected
Quest Challenges
- The Vault of Dragons is one of the most heavily guarded locations in Waterdeep, with traps and guards at every turn.
- The artifact is kept in a secure vault within the Vault of Dragons, requiring advanced lockpicking or magical abilities to access.
- The players must avoid detection by guards and other creatures within the Vault of Dragons, or risk alerting the entire city to their presence.
Quest Rewards
- A large sum of gold from Lord Vasquez
- The satisfaction of completing a difficult heist
- The valuable artifact itself, which the players may choose to keep or sell for an even greater profit.
Time Limit
The players have one week to complete the heist before the artifact is moved to another location.
NPC Interactions
- Lord Vasquez provides the players with information on the Vault of Dragons and its security measures, as well as any other information they may need to complete the heist.
- The players may encounter guards and other inhabitants of the Vault of Dragons, who will attack them on sight if they are detected.
- If the players are successful, they may encounter other thieves who are interested in acquiring the valuable artifact for themselves.
- If the players are caught, they will be imprisoned and possibly executed for their crimes.
- Lord Vasquez may turn on the players if they fail or are caught, and may use his influence to make their lives difficult in the future.
- The theft of the artifact may have consequences for the city of Waterdeep itself, such as increased security measures or a loss of trust in the city's leadership.
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