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The Lost Temple of the Elders

Encounter Name:

The Lost Temple of the Elders


OpponentQuantityChallenge Rating
Elder Beholder116


AllyQuantityChallenge Rating


The encounter takes place inside the Lost Temple of the Elders, an ancient and abandoned temple located deep within a dense jungle. The temple is filled with traps, puzzles, and secret chambers, making it a challenging environment for adventurers.

The temple is made up of several interconnected rooms and hallways, with narrow corridors and hidden passages that make it difficult to navigate. The floors and walls are made of aged stone, with intricate carvings and symbols etched into them.


Poisonous DartsHidden pressure plates trigger dart traps that deal poison damage
Pit TrapsConcealed pits in the floor that drop adventurers into spiked pits
Rolling BouldersLarge boulders that roll down narrow corridors, dealing massive damage
Poisonous GasTrapped rooms fill with poisonous gas, dealing damage to those inside


PoisonedPoisoned condition from dart traps and poisonous gas
ProneProne condition from pit traps and boulder attacks
RestrainedRestrained condition from Elder Beholder's Eye Rays


The objective of this encounter is to navigate the Lost Temple of the Elders, solve its puzzles and traps, and defeat the Elder Beholder at the heart of the temple. The adventurers must find a way to bypass the traps and hazards, while also avoiding the gaze of the Beholder's minions.


The Elder Beholder is a formidable opponent, with a range of powerful eye rays that can incapacitate or kill adventurers. The Spectators and Gazers act as the Beholder's minions, using their own eye rays to stun or slow adventurers.

The Beholder will use its anti-magic cone to disable any magical attacks or spells used by the adventurers. It will also use its telekinetic ray to throw adventurers into traps or pits.

The Spectators will use their stunning rays to immobilize adventurers, while the Gazers will use their slowing rays to hinder their movement. The Gazers will also use their disintegration rays to destroy any objects or barriers that the adventurers may use for cover.

Special Abilities:

The Elder Beholder has several special abilities, including:

  • Anti-Magic Cone: Creates a cone of anti-magic that disables all magical attacks and spells within its range.
  • Telekinetic Ray: Allows the Beholder to move objects or creatures with its mind.
  • Eye Rays: The Beholder can use a range of eye rays with different effects, including disintegration, petrification, and paralysis.

Time Limit:

There is no specific time limit for this encounter, but the adventurers will need to move quickly to avoid the traps and hazards in the temple. The longer they take, the more likely they are to trigger traps or be caught by the Beholder's minions.


The adventurers will receive a significant amount of experience points for defeating the Elder Beholder and its minions. They will also find a treasure hoard in the Beholder's lair, containing magical items and artifacts.

Initiative Order:

  1. Elder Beholder
  2. Spectators
  3. Gazers
  4. Adventurers

Roleplaying Notes:

The Lost Temple of the Elders is an ancient and mysterious place, filled with secrets and hidden treasures. The adventurers may encounter strange symbols or carvings on the walls, hinting at the temple's history and purpose.

The Beholder is a powerful and intelligent creature, with a malevolent personality. It may taunt or threaten the adventurers, using its telepathic abilities to communicate with them. The Spectators and Gazers are more mindless, following the Beholder's commands without question.

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