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The Missing Artifact

Quest Title

The Missing Artifact

Quest Description

The Harpers have requested the party's assistance in recovering an important artifact that was stolen from the city's museum. The artifact is believed to hold ancient magic and could be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands.

Quest Giver

Eldath, a Harper agent, approaches the party with the request for their aid. She explains the gravity of the situation and the importance of retrieving the artifact before it's too late.

Quest Objectives

  • Investigate the museum to gather clues on the theft
  • Track down the thieves and retrieve the artifact
  • Return the artifact to the museum and report back to Eldath

Quest Challenges

  • The thieves are part of a notorious thieves' guild and will not give up the artifact without a fight
  • The museum is heavily guarded and the party will need to find a way to sneak in undetected
  • A rival faction is also after the artifact and will try to steal it from the party

Quest Rewards

  • 1500 gold pieces
  • A magical item of the DM's choice
  • Reputation boost with the Harpers faction

Time Limit

The Harpers are in a rush to retrieve the artifact and have given the party a week to complete the quest.

NPC Interactions

  • Eldath will provide information on the artifact and the thieves' guild
  • The museum curator can provide additional information on the artifact and its history
  • The rival faction's leader may attempt to strike a deal with the party to acquire the artifact


  • If the party fails to retrieve the artifact, it could fall into the hands of a dangerous individual or organization
  • The reputation of the Harpers could be damaged if the artifact is not recovered in time
  • The rival faction could gain a significant advantage if they acquire the artifact before the party
Quest Details
Quest TypeRandom
Party Size3-5
LocationSword Coast metropolis
Quest GiverEldath
ObjectivesInvestigate the museum, track down thieves, retrieve artifact, and return to museum
ChallengesThieves guild, heavily guarded museum, rival faction
Rewards1500 gold, magical item, reputation boost with Harpers
Time Limit1 week
NPC InteractionsEldath, museum curator, rival faction leader
ConsequencesArtifact falling into wrong hands, damage to Harpers reputation, rival faction advantage
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