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The Siege of Ravenholm

Encounter Name: The Siege of Ravenholm


Goblin Archers61520ShortbowNimble Escape
Hobgoblin Soldiers41835LongswordMartial Advantage
Bugbear Captain12080Morningstar, JavelinBrute


Ravenholm Guards101650SpearNone


The encounter takes place in the middle of Ravenholm, a small village surrounded by a wooden palisade. The village has a central square with several buildings, including a blacksmith, an inn, and a temple. The attackers are coming from all sides, trying to breach the palisade and enter the village.


The objective of the encounter is to defend Ravenholm and drive off the attackers. The party must protect the townsfolk and the guards and prevent the attackers from breaching the palisade. If the attackers breach the palisade, the encounter becomes much more difficult, and the party may have to retreat or face the consequences.

Time Limit

The encounter has a time limit of 10 rounds. If the party has not defeated all the attackers by then or if the attackers breach the palisade, the encounter ends in failure.


If the party successfully defends Ravenholm, they are rewarded with 500 gold pieces and the gratitude of the townsfolk. The town's blacksmith will offer to craft a magic item for each party member as a token of appreciation.

Initiative Order

  1. Goblin Archers
  2. Hobgoblin Soldiers
  3. Bugbear Captain
  4. Ravenholm Guards
  5. Townsfolk
  6. Party

Additional Information

The attackers are a group of goblinoids hired by a local bandit lord to raid Ravenholm and capture its inhabitants. The party may learn more about the bandit lord and his motives by interrogating the attackers or investigating the village after the battle. If the party manages to capture the Bugbear Captain alive, he may offer to reveal the identity of his employer in exchange for his life.

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