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Zelthar the Corrupted

Boss Name: Zelthar the Corrupted
Boss Description: Zelthar is a twisted demon who feeds on the corruption and chaos that permeates throughout the dungeon. A towering figure with razor-sharp claws and a body covered in blackened scales, Zelthar exudes an aura of malevolence that threatens to overwhelm even the bravest of adventurers.
Boss Abilities:

Corruption Aura: Zelthar radiates a field of dark energy that corrupts everything in its vicinity.
Shadow Bolt: Zelthar launches a bolt of dark energy that explodes on impact, dealing significant damage to all targets in its area of effect.
Summon Minions: Zelthar can summon a horde of corrupted creatures to do his bidding.
Life Drain: Zelthar can channel the life force of his enemies to heal himself.

Boss Actions:

Phase One: Zelthar attacks the party with his Shadow Bolt ability while summoning corrupted minions to keep the party occupied.
Phase Two: Zelthar activates his Corruption Aura, which deals damage to all party members and causes them to take additional damage from Zelthar's attacks.
Phase Three: Zelthar begins to drain the life force of party members, healing himself while dealing damage to his targets.

Boss Weaknesses:

Holy Magic: Zelthar is weak against holy magic, which can drive back his demonic essence.
Fire Damage: Zelthar is vulnerable to fire damage, which can burn away his corrupt form.

Boss Tactics:

Phase One: The party should focus on taking down Zelthar's minions while dodging his Shadow Bolt attacks.
Phase Two: The party should use holy magic or fire damage to weaken Zelthar's Corruption Aura.
Phase Three: The party should prioritize healing and focus on dealing damage to Zelthar while avoiding his Life Drain ability.

Boss Rewards:

Demon's Claw: A powerful weapon that deals extra damage to demonic creatures.
Corrupted Shard: A rare artifact that can be used to increase the power of magical spells.
Zelthar's Eye: A magical trinket that grants the wearer the ability to see through darkness.

Boss minions or henchmen:

Corrupted Goblins: Small, weak creatures that swarm the party.
Corrupted Ogres: Large, powerful creatures that can deal significant damage.
Corrupted Mages: Sorcerers that can cast powerful spells that deal damage and disrupt the party's tactics.

Combat tactics and strategies of the boss:
Zelthar is a formidable opponent that requires careful planning and execution to defeat. The party should focus on taking down his minions while avoiding his Shadow Bolt attacks. Once Zelthar activates his Corruption Aura, the party should use holy magic or fire damage to weaken him. Finally, the party should prioritize healing and focus on dealing damage to Zelthar while avoiding his Life Drain ability.
Attributes & Stats:

HP: 800
Armor Class: 25
Speed: 30 ft.
Size: Large
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Experience Points: 50,000

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