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Captain Finnegan - The Fishmonger

Name: Captain Finnegan

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Occupation: Fishmonger

Appearance: Captain Finnegan is a stout man with a weathered face and graying hair. He wears a stained apron over his clothes and smells strongly of fish.

Personality: Captain Finnegan is a gruff but friendly man who takes pride in his work. He is knowledgeable about all types of fish and seafood, and is always willing to share his expertise with customers. He has a no-nonsense attitude and doesn't suffer fools gladly, but is fair and honest in his dealings.

Background: Captain Finnegan was once a fisherman himself, but after years of braving the treacherous waters of the nearby sea, he decided to retire and start his own fishmonger business. He has built up a loyal customer base over the years, and is well-respected in the local community.

Quest Hook: Captain Finnegan has noticed a decline in the local fish population, and suspects that something is amiss. He has heard rumors of a mysterious creature lurking in the waters, and believes that it may be responsible for the decline. He hires the party to investigate and put an end to the creature's rampage before it destroys the local fishing industry. In return, he offers a generous reward and a discount on any fish or seafood the party wishes to purchase from his shop.

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