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Welcome to ChatDnD’s D&D Forum, adventurer! Our forum is a treasure trove of knowledge for all things Dungeons & Dragons. From campaign ideas to character building and DM tips, our community of experienced players is here to guide you on your quest. Our homebrew content section allows you to share and explore new classes, races, monsters, and more. We also provide a space for finding players or groups to play with. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, our D&D forum is the perfect place to hone your skills and connect with like-minded adventurers. Join us now and level up your D&D game!

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Name: TarmanRace: HumanClass: Zombie
Personality Traits: Tarman is driven solely by his desire for brains and flesh. He is relentless in his pursuit of his prey and shows no mercy. He is also incredibly loyal to his creator and will do anything to protect them.Physical Description: Tarman is a rotting corpse with pale, almost translucent skin. His eyes are sunken and his teeth are sharp and jagged. He wears tattered clothing that is stained with blood and gore.Abilities and Skills: Tarman is incredibly strong and durable. He is immune to poison and disease, and can regenerate lost limbs. He is also able to infect others with his zombie virus through bites and scratches.Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Equipment: Tarman carries no equipment.Relationships: Tarman is fiercely loyal to his creator, who he sees as his master. He has no other relationships.Ideals: Tarman's only goal is to feed on the living. He has no other ideals.Bonds: Tarman's bond is with his creator, who he will protect at all costs.Flaws: Tarman is completely mindless and has no sense of self-preservation. He will blindly charge into danger without considering the consequences.Quests and Goals: Tarman's only goal is to find and consume as many living beings as possible.Combat Tactics: Tarman will charge at his enemies, using his strength and durability to overwhelm them. He will attempt to bite and scratch his opponents to infect them with his zombie virus.Background: Tarman was once a human, but was turned into a zombie through dark magic. He has no memory of his past life and is completely controlled by his creator.
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